
gophers 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- A gazillion of gigantic grapes gushed gradually giving gophers gooey guts .
- 大量巨大的葡萄逐渐喷涌出来,给地鼠的内脏提供胶粘物。
- They dig a tunnel to the airport and pop up like gophers ?
- 像地鼠一样悄悄掘进到机场?
- I 'll just do the same thing , but with gophers .
- 我可以去做,除了去杀地鼠.
- Wait , wait , wait , wait . The fresno gophers ?
- 等等等等等一下弗雷斯诺地鼠队?
- Competing with gophers and earthworms and that loser sparrow whoalways takes my nuts .
- 跟地鼠还有蚯蚓竞争还有那只成天偷我坚果的懒麻雀。
- We use a innovative approach to control gophers , moles , voles , or any other burrowing animal .
- 我们用创新的方法来控制考访痣、田鼠、洞穴或其他动物.
- Complete your garden and get revenge on the gophers !
- 完成您的花园和地鼠的报复!
- They apprenticed their children to the badger and later joined the groundhogs and gophers to start a successful private school .
- 它们把它们的孩子送到獾那边去当徒弟,后来又加入了土拨鼠和金花鼠,成功的开了一间私立学校。
- Different servers , like www , wais , and gophers attempt to order and make utilizing the vast varieties and widespread information easier .
- 不同的服务器,比如www、wais及挖地鼠努力规范并更容易地利用名目繁多分布广阔的信息。
- Gophers and sulcata tortoises and galapagos tortoises .
- 地鼠陆龟和苏卡达和加拉帕戈斯陆龟。