
goosing 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Now , the fed seems poised to launch a new round of quantitative easing in hopes of goosing the economy .
- 现在,希望刺激经济的美联储似乎准备发起新一轮的量化宽松政策。
- Most of his recent films stall at $ 30 million to $ 50 million , which is not good news for a man who wants to be paid a star 's salary , thus goosing the expenses while the box-office revenue stays stagnant .
- 他最近期的电影档为3000万美元至5000万美元,这不是谁的人希望成为明星支付的工资好消息,从而goosing的费用,而票房收入停留停滞不前。
- But please remember this : the value you gain in trading right now rather than in the 60 seconds it would take you to skim the story pales in comparison to the value we can gain in goosing a headline to make it look super duper important .
- 但是,请记住:如果你马上进行交易,而非花上1分钟来来浏览新闻报道,那么你从中获得的价值将远低于助推某条新闻标题,使其显得重要无比。
- But goosing a company 's stock price and taking rational risks are not exactly close companions .
- 但推高一家公司的股价和理性承担风险,往往背道而驰。
- Ted 's always going around goosing people just to make them mad .
- 特得总是到处用手指刺插别人的臀部来吓他们一跳。
- These dollars are simply not entering the international financial system although they are goosing the dow jones index .
- 这些美金并没有进入到全球金融系统,虽然他们一直在加大油门轰击道琼斯指数。