
gillies 变化形式
易混淆的单词: Gillies
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- The gillies gothic com bold fonts is a top favorite in geometric sans fonts .
- 哥特式的机通信粗体字体是最喜爱的几何无字体。
- Tt was a pathless wild forest , stagger canes , ravines and gillies criss-cross as nets , each of steps had become difficult .
- 这是一片人迹罕至的原始树林,藤条虬枝交错,沟壑纵横如网,每行走一步都很困难。
- Progress on restarting the machine went faster than expected on friday evening and the first beam started circulating in a clockwise direction around the machine about 10 pm , said james gillies , spokesman for the european organisation for nuclear research , known as cern .
- 欧洲粒子物理研究所(cern)发言人詹姆斯吉利斯说,星期五晚上进行的重新启动的进程比预料的要快,第一束光束已于晚10时开始顺时针方向在机器内游走。
- Gillies saw the plastic surgeon as a sculptor .
- 吉利斯把整形外科医生看作是雕塑家。
- It gives the gillies time to find another stag for the boys .
- 给男仆时间给孩子们再找一头鹿。
- Neil gillies , chairman of the democratic party in hardy county , agrees that bureaucratic interference and cultural affronts have sapped the president 's popularity .
- 哈县的民主党主席尼尔吉利斯表示,官僚干预和文化侵犯大大降低了总统的受欢迎程度。
- Who is rebecca gillies ?
- 谁是丽贝卡吉利斯?