gass 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Corrections : an earlier version of this post misidentified the affiliation of dr. fuss and dr. gass ; they are with the central institute of mental health mannheim and the university of heidelberg .
- 勘误:这篇文章的较早版本被误认为是fuss博士和gass博士合作的;他们是与曼海姆的中央精神卫生研究院及海德堡大学共同完成的。
- Jamie gass of the centre for school reform at boston 's pioneer institute concedes that mr. duncan has the power to grant waivers from nclb , but reckons that he cannot tie the waivers to conditions that have not yet been sanctioned by congress .
- 波士顿先驱学院学校改革中心的杰米.盖斯承认,邓肯拥有对《有教无类法》进行豁免的权力,但恐怕无权豁免那些国会尚未裁决的规定。
- Sex is a crucial component to the kyle gass project .
- 性是凯勒葛丝方案很关键的一部分。
- But we 're not gonna be called the kyle gass project .
- 但我们不能叫凯勒葛丝方案了。
- John gass , president of global gas at chevron calls the cost rises " short-term dislocations " .
- 雪佛龙公司全球天然气总裁约翰加斯(johngass)称,这种成本上升只是“短期的混乱现象”。
- Career highlights : starbucks recruited ms. gass from p & g in 1996 as marketing manager for its frappuccino product line , now a $ 2 billion global brand , a starbucks spokeswoman says .
- 职业生涯亮点:星巴克发言人说,1996年,星巴克从宝洁把加斯挖过来担任frappuccino产品线市场经理,frappuccino目前是价值20亿美元的全球品牌。
- That conversation was made possible , gass said , by their trust and mutual respect -- plus the unprecedented push at starbucks for international expansion . "
- 加斯说,这番对话源于互相信赖和尊重——外加星巴克空前的海外扩张冲动。
- That error prompted former apple exec jean-louis gass é e to declare , " apple has lost control of the narrative ; the company has let others define its story . "
- 这不禁让我们想到了前苹果高管吉恩-路易斯•卡西的评论,“苹果失去了话语权,别的公司开始成为领导者。”
- [ Schultz ] said , ' I 'm reorganizing the company , the future of starbucks is really about international growth , ' " gass told the crowd of women gathered in laguna niguel .
- “([舒尔茨)说:‘‘我正在重组公司,星巴克的未来事实上就是国际增长,’””加斯在LagunaNiguel酒店告诉与会的众多女性企业家们。
- Jean-louis gass é e , a former apple ( aapl ) executive , wrote that the touch-based metro user interface added to windows 8 " is a step along the ' windows everywhere ' road that leads to a single , elegant ui for all microsoft-powered devices , whether they 're pcs , smartphones , or tablets . "
- 前苹果公司高管珍-露易丝•盖瑟撰文称,Windows8新增的触摸式Metro用户界面“是微软在‘Windows无处不在’这一路线上迈出的新步伐,它使所有微软系统驱动的设备都用上了简洁、优雅的用户界面,不管是PC,智能手机,还是平板电脑。”