Faced with an israeli blockade , the palestinian zookeepers were unable to bring in real zebras .
For example , say you were listening to a report on zebras , and the speaker mentioned that no two are alike .
It was midday and we came across a dazzle of zebras approaching a waterhole to quench their thirst .
They report in the journal of experimental biology that this pattern of narrow stripes makes zebras " unattractive " to the flies .
The zebras look clean and tidy .
Many species ranging from zebras to insects use the strategy of sperm ejection - but the evolutionary ideas behind it are often uncertain .
South africa 's zoological tourism isn 't all about lions and zebras in kruger national park or the great whites off the coast of cape town .
Rehabilitation is a long-term project , he says , but eagles are returning and mountain zebras are back .
Although infectious disease can seem grisly and dreadful , under ordinary conditions , it 's every bit as natural as what lions do to wildebeests and zebras .
The police dispatched the fake zebras to several different locations in the russian capital , where officials in orange vests walked them over zebra crossings and handed out flyers to passing drivers .