Plus , I 've coped with all the secondary illnesses that waltz along with these problems , including osteoporosis , gastroparesis , cataracts , gallbladder failure , impacted bowel and chronic bleeding .
Drs. paul curcillo and stephanie king of drexel university college of medicine in philadelphia developed a single-incision technique and curcillo was the first to use the method to remove a woman 's gallbladder through her bellybutton in may 2007 .
Helps prevent gallstones and symptomatic gallbladder disease in men .
Mubarak has a history of minor ailments and underwent gallbladder surgery in germany in march last year .
The bile is also often extracted using tubes that connect to the gallbladder , where the bile from the liver is stored , according to the animals asia foundation .
Sciencedaily ( dec. 21 , 2010 ) - moderately and morbidly obese persons face many health issues -- heart disease , diabetes , hypertension , stroke , gallbladder disease and others .