


fullback 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The off contract siena fullback is expected to hold talks with lazio today .
- 这位与锡耶纳合同到期的后卫有望在今天与拉齐奥进行商谈。
- Roma chiefs are considering the france international as an alternative to real madrid fullback cicinho .
- 罗马的官员们正考虑把这位法国人作为除皇马后卫西西尼奥外的另一个选择。
- Villarreal left back juan pablo sorin has praised arsenal fullback ashley cole .
- 比利亚雷尔左后卫索林最近称赞阿森纳的左后卫科尔。
- Play the fullback , in football .
- 在足球比赛中担任后卫。
- Liverpool boss rafa benitez has accepted defeat in his pursuit of sevilla fullback daniel alves .
- 利物浦主帅拉法-贝尼特斯接受了在追求塞维利亚后卫阿尔维斯上失败的结果。
- Their positions were reversed ; john played centre forward and tom played fullback .
- 他们的位置调换了,约翰踢中锋,汤姆改踢后卫。
- The captain decided to play tom at fullback .
- 队长决定派汤姆上场为后卫。
- Valencia fullback moretti and sevilla midfielder maresca are both on lazio president claudio lotito 's shopping list for the summer market .
- 巴伦西亚的后卫莫雷蒂以及塞维利亚的中场球员马雷斯卡都被拉齐奥的主席洛蒂托放在了夏季转会市场的收购名单上。
- The winger and inside forward must act quickly to exploit the two-on-one situation against the defending fullback .
- 边锋和内锋必须迅速做出反应,利用二打一的局面对付守方的后卫。
- Siena chief giorgio perinetti admits roma face a battle to sign fullback christian molinaro .
- 锡耶纳主席佩里内蒂承认罗马在签署后卫克里斯蒂安莫里纳罗中将面对竞争。