frumpy 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- It wasn 't until I saw myself on tv that I realised how frumpy I was .
- 直到我在电视上看到自己,我才意识到自己是多么地上不了台面。
- Mr. mortenson , a frumpy , genial man from montana , takes a diametrically opposite approach , and he has spent less than one-ten-thousandth as much as the bush administration .
- 莫滕森,这位不修边幅,态度和蔼的蒙大纳州人采用的方式与之有天壤之别,他花费的钱不到布什政府支出的万分之一。
- T appear too steep for a car that makes plenty of more expensive rivals look decidedly frumpy .
- 笔似乎太陡,使得汽车更为昂贵很多竞争对手看决然新意.
- Us president barack obama admitted tuesday he 's a little frumpy , but brushed aside suggestions that he should pay greater attention to fashion .
- 美国总统奥巴马本周二承认自己有一点老土,但对于要他多关注时尚的建议,却置之不理。
- The photographer arrives and I suggest the picture is taken outside as the hotel is too frumpy . " Frumpy ? "
- 摄影师来了,我建议到外面拍照,因为这个酒店太见不得人了。“见不得人?”
- Compared with the newer energy technologies that are now sweeping the world , however , they look old-fashioned and a bit frumpy .
- 但是在充斥着新技术的现代世界里,它们看上去就略显陈旧落伍了。
- Her demeanour provides no clues to her extraordinary life ; her clothes are neat , albeit a little frumpy , her hair soberly cut ; her face sports a smudge of purple eye-shadow , but is gently wrinkled .
- 她的一举一动毫不彰显她不平凡的人生经历;整洁的衣服,虽然有点土里土气,一头干练的短发;她的脸上涂抹着紫色眼影,但仍有轻微的皱纹。
- " There 's no upside to looking frumpy or dowdy , " said simon doonan , the creative director of barneys new york , where the campaign reported spending only $ 789.72 , or enough for almost one outfit .
- “看上去象未见过世面或寒酸则没有上升的希望”,纽约巴尼斯百货的创意总监simondoonan称,竞选报道仅花了789.72美元,就足以支付整个一套装备。
- Clee says she chose to " steer clear of pinstripes " when interviewing with the wna , opting instead for a dress that was " tailored to the waist , but still with younger , more on-trend detailing and a full skirt , to avoid looking frumpy " .
- 克利说,当她去面试世界核能协会时,她选择了“避开套装”,穿了一条“定做的突出腰身的长裙,但还加入了一些比较年轻和流行的细节以及宽下摆,以避免看上去单调乏味”。
- The image is sufficiently homely that wordsworth editions , a british publisher , recently decided to photoshop it , removing the frumpy headgear and giving jane some hair extensions and a bit of blush in her cheeks .
- 所以英国出版商wordswortheditions最近决定用photoshop把它处理一下,消除看起来不太舒服的帽子,加上一些头发和一点颊红。