
[ˈfɔrˌθɔt, ˈfor-]

forethought 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Performed or expressed without preparation or forethought .
- 即席表演的没有准备或事先思考而表演或表达的。
- Sometimes you need to develop patience and forethought to avoid conflicts in your life .
- 有时,你必须发展出耐心跟远见来避免生活中的冲突。
- Without apparent forethought or prompting or planning .
- 没有明显的预先考虑、提示或计划。
- N life , as in chess , forethought wins .
- 人生如下棋,多思则能胜。
- With a little more forethought we can have buy the house we really want .
- 我们当初若是稍微再多考虑一下,也许就能买到我们真正想要的房子了。
- Without preparation or forethought or knowledge .
- 没有准备、预计或知识。
- Prudence is the good thing ; forethought is wisdom .
- 小心小心是功德;老谋深算是明智。
- The rest of the steps pretty much require some forethought , so get your calendar ready .
- 其余的几个步骤都需要提前定计划,所以你要准备一本日历式备忘录。
- Shenzhen forethought management consulting co. , ltd. all rights reserved .
- 深圳远谋无忧管理咨询有限公司。
- Successful professionals who are in relationships know these things can be avoided with a little forethought and planning .
- 恋爱中的成功的专业人员清楚其实只需要一点预见性和计划,这些都是可以避免的。