A sense of foreboding gripped the street as top executives feared collateral damage from a lehman liquidation .
What film can do as well as any essay is to convey indefinable foreboding , the feeling that something is somehow wrong .
Such a record fills one with foreboding over the choice of the first eu president .
Yet it is difficult to read this collection of essays without a sense of foreboding .
Dark blues may be foreboding , or an indication of worry or fear .
But such acts of support can no longer be guaranteed , filling israelis with foreboding .
Rising equity prices in the us and europe yesterday masked a growing sense of foreboding among investors about the potential impact of the deepening banking and sovereign debt crises in spain .
Instead , there is a sense of foreboding in the business sector about what might happen in the final quarter of this year , once the olympic excitement is over and hard reality sets in .
Unfortunately , he did not succeed.indeed , I have had an uneasy foreboding since the mainline economic forecasts at the beginning of 2007 evinced a remarkably favourable prospect .
Last january , as the industry grappled with its biggest crisis in living memory and at least two of detroit 's big three carmakers teetered on the brink of collapse , the usual razzmatazz was replaced by fear and foreboding .