Diagram showing of monocytes and smooth muscle cells move into intima and foamy cells formation .
House price and income are compared is one of estate foamy index are measured generally on international .
This us map comes with 100 led pins ; push them into the map 's foamy surface to make contact with the electrical layers below .
For no good reason I was chosen for the water torture . This time however it included a burning foamy chemical called shampoo .
Models have predicted that the foamy space-time could cause higher-energy gamma rays to move more slowly than lower energy photons -- a prediction put to the test by the space telescope 's observations .
Dr. katzourakis 's discovery thus reveals the great antiquity of foamy viruses . They were already infecting the common ancestor of all placental mammals back when dinosaurs ruled the earth .
It can also help scientists to decide which viruses that cross species are likely to cause dangerous pandemics such as swine flu ( h1n1 ) and which , like bird flu ( h5n1 ) and foamy viruses , cross this species barrier but then never cause pandemics in new mammal populations .