

adj.俗丽的,浮华的,虚饰的( flashy的比较级 )

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For an hour , a night , a week or until whenever you tired of them or they found a bigger , flashier , or faster truck to ride .
Meanwhile , even before the recession , other , flashier stories were diverting the public 's attention , notably terrorist attacks and the long wars in iraq and afghanistan .
In summary , if you 're starting fresh , and want to have a user interface that is ' flashier ' than what you can do right now with swing , javafx is a good choice .
Investment bankers focused on issuing debt have been kept unusually busy this first half of the year in asia , just as flashier sectors such as initial public offerings and takeover deals have dried up .
Ah the humble cucumber it sits patiently in the crisper drawer while its flashier cousins are being scooped up and devoured for dinner .
I also gave a speech last year at a flashier affair , the annual convention for the association of publishing agencies . It is the trade body for contract publishers .
He was overshadowed by his fellow brazilians ronaldinho and ronaldo , both of whom were flashier stars with outsized personalities , unlike rivaldo , who tended to be more understated .
By choosing the heat , the elite swingman has opted to leave his home-state cleveland cavaliers in favor of a flashier franchise that already has lined up fellow star chris bosh to go with its star dwyane wade .
It probably helps that apple has crafted a solid , chronological narrative based on a string of new devices , each one flashier than the next .
Some of the results were expected : people with higher incomes most commonly wore expensive shoes , and flashier footwear was typically worn by extroverts .