

v.火焰炸弹(燃烧弹和凝固汽油弹的总称)( firebomb的现在分词 )

firebombing 变化形式

复数: firebombings

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For the better part of a week shock troops of the primeiro comando da capital ( pcc ) , a prison-based criminal organisation , wrought havoc on s o paulo , killing policemen , firebombing buses and banks and bringing the city to a virtual standstill .
What was advertised as a vigil for three bank employees killed in an athens firebombing last week turned into a haranguing denouncement of government budget cuts and the " foreign occupation " of greece by the imf .
Firebombing inflicted mass civilian casualties and nearly wiped out cities .
He tried to get thugs to rough up anti-vietnam-war protesters , and dreamed of firebombing the liberal brookings institution to seize incriminating stuff inside .
This family firebombing attacks , the mother is also at home , but she fortunately escaped unharmed , but the hair and clothes caught fire .
According to the historian bruce cumings : " korea recapitulated the air force 's mantra from world war ii , that firebombing would erode enemy morale and end the war sooner . "