fins 变化形式
易混淆的单词: FinsFINS
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- An estimated 38 million sharks are killed for their fins each year .
- 据估计每年有3800万条鲨鱼因为它们的鱼鳍被杀。
- The process of collecting the fins involves cutting off the appendages , leaving the shark to die .
- 采集鱼翅的过程中需要割掉鱼鳍,任由鲨鱼死去。
- Seventy-three million sharks are killed each year for their fins ( shark-fin soup is huge in asia ) or meat or just as collateral damage of the wider fish trade .
- 每年约有7300万条鲨鱼因为它们的鱼鳍或鱼肉招来杀身之祸(鲨鱼鱼翅汤在亚洲市场广阔),或仅仅因为其他捕鱼活动而遭受殃及。
- But when he looked at the scientific literature he found that the aerodynamics of their fins had not been fully explored .
- 但当查阅科学文献时,他发现有关鱼鳍的空气动力学还未被充分研究。
- He added that he had heard the tourism board " was not too wild about it " because tourists had complained after coming across drying fins .
- 他补充说,据说旅游局并没有因为游客碰到晒鱼鳍后投诉而“大动肝火”。
- Colombian environmental authorities have reported a huge shark massacre in the malpelo wildlife sanctuary in colombia 's pacific waters , where as many as 2000 hammerhead , galapagos and silky sharks may have been slaughtered for their fins .
- 哥伦比亚的环境专家报告说,在哥伦比亚-太平洋海域的马尔佩洛岛动植物保护区发生了一场大规模鲨鱼屠杀,多达2000头锤头鲨,加拉帕戈斯鲨和丝鲨被盗猎者割去鱼鳍惨死。
- Fins can sell for as much as $ 700 a pound .
- 鱼鳍售价可高达700美元一磅。
- I yanked on my wet suit , fins and mask . On joo 's command , andrew and I slipped into the water .
- 我拉了拉我的湿式潜水服、脚蹼和面罩,随着若雷船长的一声命令,安德鲁和我滑入了水中。
- Some 75 million sharks are killed for their fins only each year , according to the european union .
- 根据欧盟统计,每年都有大约7500万条鲨鱼因为其鱼鳍而被屠杀。
- In countries where their fins end up at the dinner table , economists can generally find rising incomes .
- 在他们的鱼鳍最终出现在餐桌的国度里,经济学家们总能发现收入的增长。