
v.欺骗( finagle的现在分词 );哄骗;欺瞒;使用欺骗诡诈手段
finagling 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The obr should end such finagling .
- obr应该结束这种欺骗性的做法。
- More important , it should end the fear of such finagling .
- 更重要的是,它应该终结人们对这种欺骗的担忧。
- While I thought theideaof paying bonuses with debt instruments was a poor one two-and-a-half years ago , I did not realize back then that the game of interest rate finagling was already well ensconced in the halls of banking .
- 虽然笔者认为,用债券工具支付奖金的想法是两年半前一个糟糕的点子,当时我并没有意识到这场利率欺诈游戏早已在银行业中扎根了。