
v.(使)发酵( ferment的现在分词 );(使)激动;骚动;骚扰
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- Butanol , which is typically made by fermenting sugar , packs more energy per gallon than ethanol and can be shipped via existing oil pipelines .
- 丁醇本来是从糖发酵生产的,每加仑丁醇燃烧比乙醇释放更多能量,它还可以通过现有的输油管运输。
- Henan tianguan group biological fermenting center .
- 河南天冠集团生物发酵中心。
- By testing over 160 different odors , the team found three compounds that could turn the flies on : phenylacetaldehyde , phenylacetic acid , and phenylethylamine - chemicals commonly found in fermenting fruits and plants .
- 在对160中不同气味的测试中,研究组发现了三种混合物会引起性欲:苯乙醛苯乙及苯(基)乙胺--这些化学物一般都来自发酵的水果。
- Although chiang kai-shek 's spies in sian knew that something was fermenting , they could get few details of exact nature .
- 蒋介石在西安的特务虽然知道有什么事情正在酝酿之中,但是他们无法得悉确切的内容。
- At the moment , the joint venture 's business is based on fermenting cane sugar into ethanol , but the new plant would start changing that .
- 现在,合资公司的生意靠的是发酵蔗糖产出乙醇,但是新工厂将开始改变这种生产方式。
- According to johansson , it looked very much like the elk was severely drunk after eating too many fermenting apples .
- 根据约翰逊的说法,这只鹿似乎是吃了太多腐烂发酵的苹果才这样醉醺醺的。
- As investors , however , our reaction to a fermenting industry is much like our attitude toward space exploration : we applaud the endeavor but prefer to skip the ride .
- 然而,作为投资者我们对于一个快速变化行业的态度与我们对于太空探险的态度类似:我们为壮举鼓掌,但最好别捎上我们。
- For hundreds of years , the spirit of " nouveau - art " has been fermenting in the minds of artist and has been leading the direction of world art . It features on reflecting people resisting out-of-date concept and identifying with the coming of new art era .
- 百余年来,「新艺术」的精神在艺术家们心中沉淀发酵,牵引著世界艺术的走向,它是人类抗拒陈旧观念、认同新的艺术时代来临的表徵。
- Abstract : the experiment has adopt three kinds endogenous fungus that the laboratory provides to be the bacterium species starting off , has used sweet potato culture medium to carry out the culture fermenting , has probed the different culture medium , diversity trains an impact of time over fungus fat output .
- 摘要:实验采用实验室提供的三种内生真菌作为出发菌种,用红薯培养基进行发酵培养,探索了不同培养基,不同培养时间对真菌油脂产量的影响。
- Effects of different mixed ratio and fermenting period on efficiency of mixed silage of tomato pomace and corn straw .
- 不同混合比例及时间对番茄渣与玉米秸混贮效果的影响。