

n.教室,课堂( classroom的名词复数 )
classrooms 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Four classrooms in each grade remained coed .
- 每个年级的四个教室仍然保持男女同校。
- Education isn 't all about classrooms .
- 教育不一定都在教室里进行。
- And we can network between domes and classrooms .
- 我们能够把苍穹和教室连接起来。
- I have long forgotten the details of what I absorbed in classrooms and libraries .
- 我早已忘记了我在课堂和图书馆里学到的知识细节。
- Some western parents might like a touch of such confucianism in their own children 's classrooms .
- 一些西方的家长也许会希望这种儒家思想能在他们孩子的课堂上得到传播。
- Teachers are now encouraged to use a hands-on approach to teaching math and science in their classrooms .
- 目前有关方面正鼓励教师采用切实可行的方法从事数学与理科的课堂教学。
- But it raises intriguing questions about the value of the socratic method as a teaching technique in today 's classrooms .
- 但它引发了对苏格拉底的方法是否适合在今天的课堂里做为教学技巧的质疑。
- Teachers in finland spend fewer hours at school each day and spend less time in classrooms than american teachers .
- 芬兰教师比美国教师每天在学校度过的时间少一些,在教室的时间更少。
- Students preferred bilingual culture learning classrooms .
- 国中外语学习者偏好双语文化教学环境。
- May : do you have the classrooms open for the whole night ?
- 阿美:你们有通宵自习室吗?