
famines 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- But sudan and ethiopia have famines now : should they be declining to sign land deals altogether ?
- 但是苏丹和埃塞俄比亚如今正遭遇饥荒:这两国应该完全拒绝签署土地协议吗?
- In previous famines in africa camels have been considered an early warning system for human deaths .
- 在非洲以前的饥荒中,骆驼一直被认为是人类死亡的早期预报系统。
- Despite intermittent wars and famines , the long-term trend is for a better life for almost everybody .
- 虽然有时会发生战争和饥荒,但长期趋势是几乎所有人的生活都能得到改善。
- While rising food prices strain household budgets in the west , they risk famines in africa and asia .
- 虽然粮食价格的上涨给西方人的生活开支造成了压力,但它在非洲和亚洲却意味着饥荒的危险。
- Wars , plagues and famines visited us , but we did not stop in our industrious creation of deserts .
- 战争、瘟疫和饥荒拜访了我们,然而,我们没有停止勤奋刻苦地创造沙漠。
- Michael hess of usaid adds that famines are made inevitable by poor governance , not natural disasters .
- usaid的michaelhess进一步指出,使得饥荒不可避免的原因不在于自然灾害,而是由于管理水平的低下。
- It suffered famines in 1943 and 1974 and military coups in 1975 , 1982 and 2007 .
- 在1943年遭饥荒,分别在1974年,1975年,1982年和2007年发生军事政变。
- Floods , like famines , do their worst damage in the weeks and months after the highest waters have subsided .
- 洪水与饥荒一样,在最高浪潮退去后的数个星期和几个月里破坏程度最高。
- The planned economy collapsed in the early 1990s . Famines have killed hundreds of thousands . Production at state-owned factories has collapsed .
- 计划经济于20世纪90年代初解体,成百上千的人死于饥荒,国营工厂停止生产。
- When common men were slaves and serfs , they obeyed andthey were fed , but they died by thousands in plagues and famines .
- 当普通人是奴隶和仆人,只要顺从就会被喂食,但是他们在瘟疫和饥荒里成千上万的死去。