

n.爆炸物,炸药( explosive的名词复数 )
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- Mr. holmes 's aurora apartment had been booby-trapped with explosives , authorities said .
- 有关部门说,霍尔姆斯在奥罗拉的公寓里用炸药布置了陷阱。
- Craig and his colleagues plan to plant grasses in tnt contaminated soil to suck up the explosives .
- 克雷格和他的同事们计划在被炸药污染的土地上种草以吸收爆炸物。
- This resembles raven , but is a flying bomb , packed with explosives .
- 它很像raven,但却是个飞行炸弹,装有炸药。
- Britain 's leading chemical company had shifted from dyes and explosives into fertilisers and petrochemicals .
- 这家英国首屈一指的化学公司的专攻领域早已从染料和炸药转向了化肥和石化产品。
- Xinhua reported that attackers used explosives to attack shopping centers , hotels and government offices .
- 新华社报导称,这些袭击者用炸药攻击了若干商店、酒店以及政府办公楼。
- It ordered the government to pay damages , clear the remaining explosives and overhaul its consultation process .
- 该法庭命令厄瓜多尔政府赔偿损失、清除遗留的炸药并彻底革新其协商程序。
- Although the conventional explosives contained in two of the four bombs detonated , there was no nuclear holocaust .
- 虽然其中两颗氢弹内的常规炸药发生了爆炸,但幸运的是核弹本身并未引爆。
- The bomber 's vehicle carried more than 300kg ( 660 lbs ) of explosives .
- 使用炸弹的人的车辆中载有超过300公斤(660磅)的炸药。
- A suicide car bomber has detonated explosives near a u.s. - run military facility in afghanistan , killing three civilians .
- 一名自杀汽车爆炸手在阿富汗一个美国军事设施附近引爆炸药,3名平民被炸死。
- Holes most often appear in military aircraft that have been struck by bullets or explosives , though there have been civilian examples .
- 通常在那些被子弹或炸药击中的军用飞机上会出现洞,尽管在民用飞机上也有先例。