


explicitly 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Others spell out concerns more explicitly .
- 另外一些人更明确的阐述了自己的担心。
- But he also argues for an explicitly islamic government .
- 但是他还主张建立一个明确的伊斯兰教政府。
- It can also convey information that a company never states explicitly .
- 它也有助于传达公司未曾明确表达出的信息。
- Congress could have banned the method explicitly but did not .
- 国会本来能够明确禁止这种方式,但却没有。
- It was the first inaugural address to mention gay rights explicitly .
- 奥巴马是第一位在就职演说中明确提到同性恋权益的美国总统。
- In fact , india did not explicitly threaten any such thing .
- 事实上,印度并没有明确威胁要做进行报复。
- But rarely has monetary co-dependence been stated quite as explicitly as yesterday .
- 但货币政策上的相互依赖几乎从未像昨日那样得到明确表述。
- But no american president had explicitly endorsed the 1967 line before .
- 但是,此前没有一位美国总统曾明确遵守1967年的协定。
- Competition laws stop such alliances from agreeing explicitly on prices , of course .
- 当然,竞争法禁止这样的联盟明确约好行业价格。
- Given that we are dealing explicitly with non-financial risks , what is the difference between a random and a non - random risk ?
- 既然我们很明确地是在应对非财务风险,那么随机风险与非随机风险的区别是什么呢?