

expedience 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- His initial silence ( 34:5 ) may have been nothing more than political expedience , but it sounds neither noble nor principled .
- 虽然他最初的闭口不言(34:5)无非是在政治上的权宜之计,但是听起来既不高尚也没有原则。
- The stimulus bill is itself a mishmash of mr obama 's progressive priorities and short-term expedience .
- 刺激案本身就是一个奥巴马进步性优势和短期利益的大杂烩。
- Instead , sir john has seemed more attuned to political expedience than to the wider national interest .
- 不过,相比于更广泛的国家利益,约翰爵士似乎更热衷于政治上的便利。
- Those ideals still light the world , and we will not give them up for expedience 's sake .
- 那些理想依然在照亮着这个世界,我们不会因一时的困难而放弃这些理想。
- I never saw sam huntington do anything deceitful or malicious , never saw him sacrifice his principles for power or access or expedience .
- 我从没见亨廷顿做过任何骗人的或是恶意的事情,也从没见他为了权力或后门或方便而牺牲他的原则。