
Chechnya 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The russian response to chechnya 's revolt was swift and brutal .
- 俄罗斯对车臣反叛的反应是迅速而铁血的。
- Russia 's own brutal war in chechnya made it particularly twitchy .
- 俄罗斯自己在车臣发起的残酷战争也让它烦躁不安。
- Estemirova spoke movingly of their hair-raising trips around chechnya .
- 埃斯蒂米洛娃动情地讲述了她们在车臣的恐怖之旅。
- Violence has spread from chechnya to other north caucasus republics and beyond .
- 暴力已经从车臣向其它高加索共和国及以外的地方蔓延。
- In oxford she managed to escape the horrors of chechnya .
- 在那里,她成功地逃脱了车臣恐怖的威胁。
- Among the dead were foreigners from uzbekistan , saudi arabia and chechnya .
- 死亡战士中有来自乌兹别克斯坦,沙特阿拉伯和车臣的外国人。
- Violence spread from chechnya to elsewhere in the caucasus years ago .
- 多年前,恐怖活动从车臣蔓延到高加索的其它地区。
- In april the kremlin cancelled its counter-terrorist regime in chechnya .
- 今年4月,克里姆林宫取消了在车臣的官方反恐机构。
- The first conflict began in 1991 , when chechnya declared its independence .
- 第一次冲突发生在1991年,因为当时车臣宣布独立。
- A russian charity worker and her husband were abducted and shot dead in chechnya .
- 一个俄罗斯慈善机构员工与她的丈夫在车臣遭挟持后被枪杀。