evildoing 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Those people collaborated in evildoing .
- 那些人沆瀣一气做坏事。
- Will make you the first victim of their evildoing .
- 会让你成为它们不当行为的受害者。
- Their sins and their evildoing I will remember no more .
- 他们的罪过和他们的邪恶,我总不再追念。
- And the bad guys seem jazzed by their evildoing .
- 坏家伙们似乎对他们的恶行乐在其中。
- Secondly , who is the enemy in this scrapbook of evildoing at abu ghraib ?
- 另外,在这本“阿布格莱布监狱恶行剪贴簿”上,谁又是敌人呢?
- We have known it if itis magnet that intoxicates us ; we have experienced it if itis evildoing that makes us suffer .
- 如果这使我们沉醉的是磁石,那我们认识;如果这使我们痛苦的是恶行,我们以感受。
- The secret of much murder and evildoing is to dehumanize the victim , to make him alien , to make him other , a different species .
- 许多凶手之所以能够犯下谋杀与恶行,诀窍在于不把受害者当人看,把他当做异族,把他视为异类,不同的品种。