Already , ms. merkel is adjusting her rhetoric to prepare for new compromises with france on growth measures -- while sticking to her goal of enshrining fiscal discipline in a european treaty .
He says such registration is the first step towards enshrining children 's rights , proving their age , and helping to protect them from slavery , trafficking , forced marriage or serving as a child soldiers .
Would the founders have written the first amendment enshrining the freedom of press if they had known that the internet would one day allow wikileaks to release classified documents and jeopardize soldiers in the battlefield ?
To helms , cedaw was a terrible treaty " negotiated by radical feminists with the intent of enshrining their radical anti-family agenda into international law . "
Going into thursday 's summit , french and german leaders said they hoped that the new treaty , in addition to enshrining tough budget rules and punishments for profligate governments , would also reach into other facets of policymaking , including taxes and regulation .
Disregarding the circus of britain 's walk-out , markets rallied briefly on friday after 26 european union members agreed in principle to a treaty enshrining tighter bounds on national fiscal sovereignty .