英音  [en'rəʊlɪŋ]    
美音 [en'roʊlɪŋ]    


v.招收( enrol的现在分词 );吸收;入学;加入;[亦作enrol]( enroll的现在分词 );登记,招收,使入伍(或入会、入学等),参加,成为成员;记入名册;卷起,包起

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That is startling ; it could discourage parents from enrolling their american-born children .
Twenty years later , there has been significant progress in enrolling children in school and expanding access to secondary school and universities .
Parents afraid of sending their children away to a far-off land can instead opt for enrolling them in their own country , at one of a multiplying number of academies linked to british schools , usually through a franchise .
But just a few months before classes began , instead of enrolling I went to mexico to meet some friends , and there I landed -- there really is no other way of seeing it , as it was such a coincidence -- in the theater .
Universities are enrolling more and more students , resulting in crowded campuses , full libraries and self-study classrooms , and dining halls as jammed as farmers markets .
But now that admissions offices are enrolling a generation of students and executives who have grown up with facebook , twitter and linkedin , schools are grasping the importance of " social crm " customer relationship management through social media .
At stanford , changes have been fundamental and students enrolling this autumn will get a very different programme from their predecessors , says garth saloner , professor of electronic commerce , strategic management and economics at the school .
The plan calls for eventually enrolling students through eighth grade .
To keep generating new revenue from federal loans , bridgepoint must keep enrolling new students .
Also known as " diploma factories " , these institutions are enrolling a large number of students each year .