The looney tunes-like sound effects coming from the laptop speakers would suggest that he is engrossed in a video game . On the contrary -- it is his chinesehomework .
In one project , which has engrossed him since 1972 , he has been carving a vast " city " into the desert of nevada ( without allowing anybody to see it ) .
She soon became engrossed in old volumes of austen 's letters , and one morning spotted a sentence austen wrote just a few months before she died : " I am considerably better now and am recovering my looks a little , which have been bad enough , black and white and every wrong colour . "
He 'd seemed engrossed in our conversation , but now I could see , from the corner of my eye , that he was leaning away from me again , his hands gripping the edge of the table with unmistakable tension .
Most of the customers are elderly or middle-aged working men . Some sit alone , engrossed in the papers as they slurp tea and eat their breakfast ; others gossip with their friends .
Your head tilts to one side , your speech quickens and the muscles in your forehead and around your eyes contract as you become engrossed in mastering a bassoon sonata , understanding the thermodynamics of the universe , or perhaps just browsing your stamp collection .