
endeavoring 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- For I am endeavoring to make my honey to be the most happy woman in the world .
- 因为我在为我的老婆做世界上最幸福的女人而努力着。
- In the past 50 years , I have been endeavoring in conducting science study , which is to probe into the truth .
- 在近五十年来,我致力于科学研究,而研究,基本上是对真理的探讨。
- They are endeavoring to reproduce the social conditions of prewar days .
- 他们正竭力(在作品等中)再现战前的社会情况。
- The doctors are endeavoring to find a cure for aids .
- 医生正在努力寻找能治愈艾滋病的疗法。
- I spoke to benedetto alone , and proposed to him to accompany me , endeavoring to tempt him by all the promises most likely to dazzle the imagination of a child of twelve .
- 我和贝尼代托单独谈话,叫他同我一起去,我努力用种种最能打动一个十二岁的孩子的幻想的许诺去相诱他。
- They are endeavoring to change society as a whole .
- 他们具体地在改变社会。
- Therefore , when endeavoring to understand the history of the united states , it is helpful to briefly describe their european origin .
- 因此,要想深入理解美利坚合纵国的历史,先简单了解一下欧洲的历史是有好处的。
- After still winter night I awoke with the impression that some question had been put to me , which I had been endeavoring in vain to answer in my sleep , as what - how - when - where ?
- 睡过了一个安静的冬天的夜晚,而醒来时,印象中伤佛有什么问题在问我,而在睡眠之中,我曾企图回答,却又回答不了什么如何何时何处
- He found her in the kitchen one morning groaning with pain , tears of weakness running down her cheeks , vainly endeavoring to put through a large ironing .
- 有天早上玛利亚在厨房里痛苦地呻吟,软弱的眼泪沿着面颊往下流,却仍力不从心地熨烫着一大披衣服。
- Entrepreneurs when you made the decision to go for a great career achievements , will burn down , boldly go to endeavoring , to do or die , just to have the possibility to succeed .
- 创业者当你决定了要去成就一件伟大的事业,就要破釜沉舟,义无反顾地去冲、去拼博、去决一死战,才有可能成功。