

n.电梯( elevator的名词复数 );升降机(美);谷仓;粮仓
elevators 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Parachutes , slides , and external elevators all seemed impractical or overly complicated .
- 降落伞,滑翔机,以及所有外部电梯似乎都不切实际或过于复杂。
- By 7 p.m on tuesday night , the armory was fully powered ; even the elevators worked .
- 在星期二晚上7点,军械库恢复供电;甚至电梯也开始工作。
- About 270 miners were stuck in two underground coal mines in eastern india as elevators stopped working .
- 在印度东部的两座煤矿,由于矿井电梯停运,约有270名矿工被困井下。
- In typical themes rooney questioned labels on packages products that didn 't seem to work and why people didn 't talk in elevators .
- 举一些典型的题材为例,鲁尼曾经讨论过产品包装上的标签是否真的用,以及人们在电梯里为什么不聊天。
- A program compensates new york customers who save energy by turning off air conditioners , slowing down elevators , and dimming lights .
- 有一个专门的活动,补偿那些不用空调,少乘电梯,少用电灯的节约能源的纽约市民。
- In typical themes , rooney questioned labels on packages , products that didn 't seem to work and why people didn 't talk in elevators .
- 在典型的主题上,rooney质疑包裹上的标签,看起来不能用的产品,以及为什么人们不在电梯上讨论。
- Climb the stairs instead of using elevators .
- 爬楼梯而不乘坐电梯。
- Safety mechanisms are supposed to prevent elevators from moving while their doors are open .
- 安全机制理应防止电梯在开门时运动。
- A central computer determines when and in what order to dispatch elevators to pick up passengers .
- 电梯停的时间和位置由一个中央电脑控制。
- In these elevators , the future lasts only as long as the ride to the floor you want .
- 在这些电梯里,未来仅仅延续到你想要到的楼层。