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electroencephalography 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Damian cruse of the cambridge group thinks he may have found a solution in electroencephalography ( eeg ) , a cheaper and more portable way of measuring brain activity via electrodes pasted to the patient 's scalp .
Using technical advances such as functional magnetic resonance imaging and electroencephalography , neuroscientists are trying to determine just where those sparks originate .
Some techniques , like electroencephalography ( eeg ) and magnetoencephalography ( meg ) , measure the electric and magnetic fields that we produce when our neurons fire .
Their brain waves , as measured by electroencephalography , also suggested that when they were eventually allowed to sleep , they slept more deeply than owls .
Researchers used electroencephalography , or an eeg , to measure the brain waves of nearly 80 babies from the time they were 6 months old until they reached age 2 .
The study was done at the university college hospital in london by measuring the brain activity of premature babies from 28 weeks to ' full term ' , by using electroencephalography ( eeg ) to measure brain activity .
Dr contreras-vidal 's approach gets round these difficulties by employing electroencephalography ( eeg ) , which measures those electrical signals from the brain that reach the scalp .
As the participants performed these tasks , the researchers used electroencephalography ( eeg ) to monitor the electrical activity of their brains .
With electrodes attached to the scalps and right legs of drivers in a driving simulator , they used both electroencephalography ( eeg ) and electromyography ( emg ) respectively to detect the intent to brake .
The american academy of neurology and the american epilepsy society recommend that patients with an unprovoked first seizure undergo electroencephalography ( eeg ) , computed tomographic ( ct ) or magnetic resonance imaging ( mri ) scanning of the head , and selected blood tests according to the clinical circumstances .