

ectopia 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Does within napes womb , film ectopia affect gestation , be cured ?
- 腹壁子宫内膜异位影响怀孕吗,能治愈吗?
- Sternal or abdominal clefting or ectopia cordis .
- 和胸骨或腹部裂或心脏异位。
- Retrospective analysis of prenatal ultrasound diagnosis of 7 cases with ectopia cordis .
- 产前超声诊断异位心胎儿七例回顾性分析。
- Report on a case of extraperitoneal meckel 's diverticulum with pancreas ectopia .
- 腹膜外美克尔憩室伴异位胰腺1例。
- Ectopia rhythm of the heart , is not paroxysmal house sex heart-hurry .
- 异位心律,非阵发性房性心动过速。
- One case : ectopia gallbladder combined with omentum magus adhesion encapsulation misdiagnosed as teratoma .
- 胆囊异位并大网膜粘连包裹误诊为畸胎瘤1例报告。
- Is this a womb inner film ectopia disease ?
- 这是子宫内膜异位症吗?
- It is not ectopia . It is not a shadow of the former deceptions of love .
- 它并不是器官的错置,也不是先前曾遭遇到爱的欺骗的阴影。
- Clinical analysis of dislocation and ectopia of intraocular lens .
- 人工晶状体移位、脱位的临床分析。
- Can chromosome balance ectopia administer ?
- 染色体平衡异位能治吗?