ears 变化形式
易混淆的单词: EARsEARS
ears 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Your crying 's music to their ears .
- 你哭号到了他们耳中变成了音乐。
- Use your ears more than your mouth .
- 多用你的耳,而非你的嘴。
- An elephant has big ears .
- 一个大象有大的耳朵.
- My ears perked up in an unusual moment .
- 有一瞬间我耳朵竖起来了。
- Can you wiggle your ears ?
- 耳廓肌你能动耳朵吗?
- Eyes are as vulnerable as ears and noses .
- 眼睛同耳朵和鼻子一样易受攻击。
- I saw huge protruding ears and thin lips .
- 我看见一双突出的大耳朵和薄嘴唇。
- The diamond studs in her ears are one caret each .
- 她耳朵上的钻石耳钉每个是一克拉。
- Mist it on unexpected pulse points , like behind your ears and the dip in your collarbone .
- 把它喷在一些令人意想不到的地方,比如耳后和锁骨凹陷处。
- Men often overlook their ears during their regular grooming session .
- 男人们在日常装扮中经常会忽视掉耳朵。