After treasury secretary timothy f. geithner 's tax troubles and public speaking blunders , mr. orszag was one of several officials dispatched to the airwaves , where he presented the administration 's arguments with a combination of numerical analysis and boyish earnestness .
It wasn 't a perfect experience - the egg was slightly overcooked , the soup could have been hotter , the waitress handed over the bill before the food had even arrived - but the restaurant certainly gets points for earnestness .
If you see it as polished pop with earnestness , that 's fine , too .
Maybe it was just the earnestness of youth and living in a time when so many things were overdone .
There is no particularly necessary link between earnestness and passion .
But obama hopes that by displaying earnestness to change american practices , he can build an image of greater moral authority and that this in turn will produce diplomatic results that have hitherto eluded us .