
v.逐渐变少或变小( dwindle的过去式和过去分词 )
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- The federal stimulus gave them extra cash as medicaid enrolment grew and revenues dwindled .
- 随着医疗补助计划的实施和税收的减少,联邦的刺激计划给他们带来了额外的资金。
- A report by the pew hispanic centre caused a stir by finding that the net migration flow from mexico to the united states had dwindled to almost nothing .
- 皮尤西班牙裔研究中心的一份报告引起了不小轰动,该报告发现从墨西哥到美国的净移民流已经减少到几乎没有了。
- Sure enough , it was profitable for a few years and then dwindled .
- 事实如此,它只维持了几年的利润,然后业务就开始缩小了。
- As state funding has dwindled , public colleges have raised tuition and are now resorting to even more desperate measures - cutting training for jobs the economy needs most .
- 随着政府财政的日益缩水,公立大学学费水平一路上涨,并伴随以更为极端的措施减少市场热门岗位的培训。
- But nine years later , visitor numbers had dwindled to 25000 .
- 但是创立9年之后,每年参观的游客人数已萎缩到两万五千人。
- Their savings have dwindled away to nothing .
- 他们的存款已减到分文不剩。
- My savings have dwindled to nothing over the years .
- 我的积蓄这些年已经耗尽了。
- There are two ways by which the pollution problem can be dwindled .
- 有两种方法可以缓解污染问题。
- As traditional sales have dwindled , the internet has become increasingly important in music management .
- 随着传统营销方式使用的锐减,网络对于音乐的操控变得更加的重要。
- Hopes that the efsf could be used to facilitate a voluntary reduction in debt , notably greece 's towering 140 % of gdp , have dwindled .
- efsf曾经所力促的主动削减债务(特别是希腊高筑的占gdp140%的债务)的希望已经很渺茫。