Tahoe 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Few natural wonders are as accessible and as beautiful as lake tahoe .
- 很少自然奇观像太浩湖这样极富于美丽又触手可得。
- Bobbie uses a walker to get around and gene hopes to get her a scooter when she is well enough to go grocery shopping or to their cottage in lake tahoe .
- 博比现在用的是步行器,吉恩希望买一个电动车给她,等她病情好转后可以去商店买东西或去他们在太浩湖的小屋。
- North lake tahoe is well known for its community living .
- 北塔霍湖是人所共知的,为它的社区生活。
- Lake tahoe is a major tourist attraction for both california and nevada .
- 太浩湖是一个为加州和内华达州主要的旅游景点。
- North lake tahoe vacation rentals tend to favor the more family-oriented traveler , seeking peace and serenity .
- 北塔霍湖度假租金往往有利于更多的面向家庭的旅行者,谋求和平与安宁。
- A couple of weeks ago , a surveyor with california 's department of water resources trudged through the drifts above lake tahoe , drove a narrow tube into the snow and declared the snowpack at 165 % of normal .
- 数周之前,一位测量员随着加州水资源部乘漂流物跋涉在塔霍湖上,在雪地中插入一个细长管,并宣布了积雪是正常水平的165%。
- He follow you from tahoe ?
- 他从塔湖一路跟着你?
- Enter basecamp , a new property in the town of south lake tahoe , calif. , which opened in june .
- 到探险大本营来吧,一种新型住宿营地坐落在加利福尼亚塔霍湖南岸镇,6月份正式营业的。
- My friend anne wheaton was at lake tahoe on the california / nevada border , and asked me how to observe the eclipse .
- 我的朋友安妮惠顿(annewheaton)在加州内华达州边界塔霍湖(laketahoe),她问我如何观察日食。
- Soon after being reported stolen , the tahoe is located by an operator who interrogates its satellite-navigation device .
- 报告被偷之后,这辆塔荷被一家监控其卫星导航设备的运营商定位。