

dugout 变化形式
复数: dugouts
易混淆的单词: Dugout

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- A dugout with a corridor and several rooms inside .
- 有一个走廊和几个房间的防空洞。
- Get back to your dugout , you crybaby !
- 回你的休息区去,你这爱哭鬼!
- I 'm in a dugout , about to be traded .
- 我在球场的休息廊里,这会是个交易.
- Couldn 't you or I lounge in a baseball dugout and decide whether the pitcher should bunt ?
- 你我无法在一个防空洞休息室棒球投手,并决定是否要触击?
- All you lack is a boiler . More than enough water in our dugout .
- 就缺锅炉了,咱们战壕里水已经够了。
- Across the acre river , reached by dugout canoe , lies peru ; to the left is bolivia .
- 乘着独木舟,穿过阿卡河,就到了秘鲁,左边是玻利维亚。
- A woman moves her dugout canoe slowly along the shore .
- 一个女人划着独木舟沿湖岸缓缓而行。
- Dugout canoes are used to transport fresh goods to the market .
- 独木舟用于运输新鲜食物到市场上去。
- Dugout canoe that is stabilized by one or two outriggers .
- 由一两个舷外架稳定的独木舟。
- We saw kingfishers while indigenous fishermen paddled by in dugout canoes , their wicker baskets filled with river oysters .
- 我们也看到了翠鸟,也与划着独木舟的当地土著渔民擦身而过,他们的柳筐中装满了河蚌。