

doable 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Buys you time to see if the idea is actually doable .
- 为你赢得时间判断你的想法是否真正可行。
- That suggests ice believes the deal is doable .
- 这表明,ice认为这笔交易可行。
- Drafting the constitution may take another six months . That looks tricky but doable .
- 起草宪法也许还得花六个月,这事看似棘手不过却还可行。
- It 's perfectly doable but not for beginners , especially as there 's no salt or vinegar to help preservation .
- 这样做完全可行,但是对生手来说有点难,尤其是在不使用盐或醋等防腐材料的情况下。
- Is it doable that quickly ?
- 有可能那么快吗?
- Now that 's doable , isn 't it ?
- 这才是能做的,不是吗?
- You might learn the idea is doable , but you don 't want to do it .
- 你也许会发现这个想法是可实施的,但是你不想去做了。
- This is eminently doable , although not always easy .
- 做到这一点的希望很大,虽然做起来并不总是那么容易。
- No doable methodology to disaggregate the ee target .
- 没有科学的分解目标的方法论。
- It won 't be easy , but it 's definitely doable .
- 不简单,不过可以搞定。