Oil or mineral wealth mostly reduces the population 's standard of living because it diverts effort and talent from wealth creation to rent-seeking .
Just like a major earthquake , a superstorm could be a severe blow to the state 's agriculture and to the water-supply system that now diverts water from the north to southern california .
The printing of certificates unbacked by gold diverts real savings from wealth-generating activities to the holders of the unbacked certificates .
By and large , government spending diverts money to unproductive recipients , making the economy more susceptible to inflation .
And all provoke the host 's immune system into activity , which diverts resources from other things .
The activity that diverts the average american for some four and a half hours each day should become more gripping , not less .
However , what is more important is the nature of the bulk of spending ( current expenditure rather than capital expenditure ) diverts fiscal space away from the already lacklustre infrastructure spending .
If you body can 't get rid of the toxins it will struggle and you will feel less energetic as your body diverts energy to deal with the toxins .
Too much of the " competitiveness " talk is a canard-one that justifies misguided policies , such as subsidies for green technology , and diverts attention from the country 's real to-do list .