

v.使(某人)迷失方向( disorient的现在分词 )

disorienting 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

They have tarnished britain 's image around the world . But most of all , they have been desperately disorienting for the country 's own sense of itself .
And into this disorienting world of new uncertainties , the islamic republic of iran sends a pair of warships toward the suez canal , bless its heart .
The 120t can produce blinding brightness or a disorienting strobe in the eyes of an oncoming attacker , giving the user critical time to assert control .
Temporal filchers are hunters that use their psionic abilities to " bump " prey ahead in time , thereby disorienting the creature and preventing aid from its companions , if any .
When you 're 53 as I am and believe yourself to be on the wrong side of life 's unknowable midpoint a conversation with someone who will soon be twice your age and who furthermore has retained all his marbles can be disorienting .
To american exchange students , the difference can be disorienting .
Was more disorienting than a heat wave in february .
Confusing and disorienting to a cat ...... I mean .
For mr brown , that might be too humiliating and disorienting a reversal ; but if he can 't manage it , his successor as labour leader will probably have to .
The demands of such a system require people comfortable with changing a product more rapidly than is customary in the corporate world , which can be disorienting for workers with large-company backgrounds .