Morgan is still the good doctor , and the chapter seems to be used mostly to disorient you .
Gary ross the director clearly intends to immerse and disorient his audience to ensure we feel rather different from the audience within the film .
Opinions differ on whether the mists disorient these folk by fogging their senses or by imposing true , ephemeral changes to reality .
Artificial lights can disorient these animals . They often end up heading toward lit-up parking lots , beach houses , and hotels by mistake .
America 's armed forces are also accused of using loud rap music and television theme tunes to disorient and disturb prisoners both in iraq and gunatanamo bay .
Bright lights have been used since world war ii to distract and disorient enemies .
I felt like I was on the disorient express when paul explained his really complicated business plan .
These methods all disorient the mind and trick the subconscious into tuning into another part of the astral .
I felt like I was on the disorient express for good this time .