
v.解开…的结( disentangle的第三人称单数 );理顺;使解脱;使脱出
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- As long as there 's no bank resolution -- one that disentangles national debt from the financial sector 's problems -- the european crisis will continue until a cascade of national defaults becomes inevitable .
- 只要还没有一项针对银行业的解决方案能够把各国债务从金融领域的问题中剥离出来,欧洲的危机就会持续下去,直到各国的负债汇聚成瀑布。
- Pulling disentangles these convolutions , he says . When there are no more knots to untie , the proteins reconfigure into tough structures called beta-sheet nanocrystals .
- 他说,拉伸这些回旋结,直到再没有结可以松开,蛋白质会重新变成坚韧的结构,这种结构叫做β-折叠纳米晶体。