

diplomas 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The central proposal was to replace the existing exams with all-encompassing diplomas .
- 该项提议主要在于以包罗万象的文凭取代目前的考试。
- During the ceremony no one was allowed to clap or cheer when we received our diplomas .
- 在毕业典礼中,我们不允许在接到毕业证书的时候鼓掌或是欢呼。
- The educational program and diplomas obtained are recognised as in france .
- 教育体制和获得的毕业证书在法国也被承认。
- A ceremony at which degrees or diplomas are conferred ; a commencement .
- 毕业典礼授予学位或毕业证书的仪式;毕业典礼。
- The businessmen paid up , went to a few classes and received the diplomas , with no exam required .
- 这些商人只需要付钱、上几节课,就可以获得毕业文凭,甚至不需要考试。
- Some5 00000 forged university diplomas were found during the country 's fifth census , held last november .
- 在2000年11月进行的第5次全国人口普查中,共发现了50多万份假冒的大学毕业证书。
- Can I check those diplomas ?
- 我能看下那些资格证书吗?
- The bomber , believed to be linked to al-qaeda , struck at those with high-school diplomas .
- 被认为与基地组织有联系的袭击者(恰巧)袭击了那些具有高中学历的应征者。
- This morning 's ceremony will formalize their award of degrees and diplomas .
- 今天将会颁发给毕业生毕业证以及学士学位证。
- The unemployment rate for college graduates was just 2.2 percent last year , half the unemployment level of those with only high school diplomas .
- 上一年度大学毕业生的失业率只有2.2%,这个数字只是那些高中毕业生的失业率的一半。