

dewdrops 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- My nephew found a few dewdrops on the jewish jeweler 's jewel .
- 侄儿发明犹太珠宝商的珠宝上有几滴露珠。
- Small egos disappear like dewdrops in the early morning sun .
- 小小的自我就像清晨阳光小的露珠一样消失。
- The cobweb pretends to catch dewdrops and catches flies .
- 蜘蛛网假装要擒住露珠,却逮住了苍蝇.
- The dewdrops on the pine needles look like crystals .
- 凝聚在松针上的露珠,晶莹剔透。
- T $ uthe cobweb pretends to catch dewdrops and catches flies .
- 蛛网假装要捕捉露珠,却捕捉了苍蝇。
- Dewdrops glistened on the grass in early morning .
- 清晨,露珠在草上闪烁。
- The cobweb pretend to catch dewdrops and catch flies .
- 蛛网假装捕捉露珠,却捕捉苍蝇.
- Dewdrops sparkle [ glisten ] in the morning sun .
- 露珠在晨曦下闪闪发光。
- Like the sun , you are shining in the morning of my life , turning thousands of dewdrops in my heart into red gemstones .
- 您是太阳,照耀着我人生的早晨,将我心田里的千百颗露珠,都映成了红宝石。
- In our ignorance of ourselves we have created them . In our consciousness , they will dissolve just like dewdrops disappearing in the morning sun .
- 在我们对自己的无知里,我们创造出了问题。在我们的意识里,这些问题将会溶解,就像露珠在清晨的阳光里消失。