
n.无篷小船,小艇( dinghy的名词复数 );橡皮艇救生船
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- At water level , it is tiny details that catch the eye : outboard engines stored on balconies , drainpipes chiselled into ground floor brickwork safe from wide delivery barges and small dinghies , used to ferry owners to boats moored on opposite banks , hanging from hooks .
- 在水平面,微小的细节吸引我们:船外的引擎存放在阳台上,排水管嵌入底层的砖墙,这样保证了大型的货船通过,挂在钩子下的小船是用来载人到对岸,以便取他们的船。
- High-level executives aren 't the kind of leaders who man the bullhorns at protests rallies or captain dinghies to save the whales .
- 和示威运动的领袖不同,公司高管不会跑到游行集会上,手持扩音器大声疾呼;也不会指挥船只前去拯救鲸鱼。
- For us to sneak our dinghies full of drugs through the middle .
- 溜上我们装满毒品的小艇从中间穿过。
- White dinghies bob out on the petrol-blue waters .
- 白色的小艇在油蓝色的水域里上下浮动。
- They were first used as lifeboats in 1970 , and later as dinghies or tenders on larger pleasure yachts .
- 他们最初是用来作为救生艇,在1970年,后来由于小艇或招标,对较大的游乐场,游艇。
- The gunmen , most of them apparently in their twenties , wearing t-shirts , black shirts and jeans , came ashore in black and yellow inflatable rubber dinghies .
- 外表上还是二十多岁的持枪者们,穿着t恤,黑衬衣和牛仔裤,驾着黑色和黄色的充气橡皮艇登上海岸。