diners 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Other dodgy tradesmen make a fortune serving endangered species to superstitious diners .
- 另一些狡猾的商贩在迷信濒危物种的食客身上狠赚了一笔。
- Diners also expect the space to be rough and ready , and will forgive uncomfortable chairs and wobbly tables .
- 用餐者同样也期望用餐空间的简陋,对不舒服的椅子和摇摆的桌子报以宽容和理解。
- Diners use a touch panel to order soup and other side dishes , which are delivered to tables on special express conveyor belts .
- 用餐者利用一个触摸面板来点汤或其它的菜,这些食物再通过特殊的传送带送到餐桌。
- For ages , diners have been told that drinking red wine while eating seafood can produce an unpleasant fishy aftertaste .
- 长久以来,食客们被告知喝红酒、吃海鲜会产生一种不好的鱼腥味。
- Breakfasts in the mandarin grill , cigars after lunch at the hong kong club , fellow diners ordering bottles of chateau petrus .
- 文华扒房里的早饭,香港俱乐部里午饭后的雪茄,点了几瓶彼得绿堡的食客。
- 16the Diners club card was initially made of cardboard .
- 大莱卡最初是用厚纸板做的。
- In addition , diners soon became permanent buildings .
- 另外,这些路边餐馆很快成了永久性建筑。
- Coca-cola , diners club and general motors have become sponsors .
- 可口可乐、大来卡和通用汽车公司成为球队赞助商。
- Local diners join us at the table , politely ignoring our fancy dress .
- 当地人和我们坐在一个桌子上用餐,对我们怪异的服装很礼貌地视而不见。
- Diners from northern europe never tip whereas americans always do , and generously .
- 东欧客人从不给小费;美国人一般都会给,给得也多。