

dimples 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- She has two dimples on her face .
- 她脸上有两个酒窝。
- In the eyesof a lover pockmarks are dimples .
- 在情人的眼里,麻子也成了可爱的酒窝。
- Did she smile your way , twirl her hair and say how cute your dimples are ?
- 她是不是说你那双嬉皮笑脸的酒涡真是迷人之后又甩了甩她那头长发
- Should anyone have to go through life as " dimples " or " pinky " or " bitsy " ?
- 任何人都应该经过人生"韧"或"老鹰"还是
- Oh yes , she has two dimples on both cheeks when she smiles .
- 噢,对了,她笑的时候脸蛋两边有两个酒窝。
- Little dimples and long eyelashes are helplessly captivating .
- 小酒窝长睫毛迷人的无可救药。
- And dimples for the simple reason
- 和酒窝,道理非常简单
- He had deep dimples that framed lips that I never noticed were full and very kissable .
- 他有很深酒窝的诬陷,我从来没有注意到的嘴唇已经爆满,非常诱人亲吻。
- Despite dimples , curly hair , and angelic features , freddie was never very lovable .
- 弗雷迪尽管有酒窝、卷发和天使般的容貌,却从来没有很可爱过。
- If not then you may end up with a not so nice looking wall that is full of dimples and holes and other unsightly blemishes .
- 如果不是那你可能落得一个不太好找墙,充满压痕黑洞等有碍观瞻的污点.