

v.(使某物)扩大,膨胀,张大( dilate的第三人称单数 )

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A good warm-up dilates your blood vessels , ensuring that your muscles are well supplied with oxygen .
A chapter in which she dilates on the benefits of vegetarianism .
This paper mainly dilates on the various date security techniques applied in tax control cash machine , including the ways of producing correct data , secure storage and secure communication of the tax control data .
Alcohol dilates our blood vessels , forcing our blood closer to the surface of our skin and closer to the nerve receptors -- that 's the feeling part .
Function : opens the mammary gland , dilates cells , firms the pectoralis major muscle , activates female hormone and makes the breast firm .
On the greatness and toughness of england , and her desirability as an ally for germany , hitler dilates at some length , and he indicates that it is still not too late to win her over .
It dilates on the economic constructions and achievements of sez and studies the key economic thoery and acctual problems under open policy .
That said , occasionally the cervix dilates very rapidly , accomplishing in a matter of minutes what the average cervix ( particularly a first-time mom 's cervix ) takes hours to do .
One explanation is that the human pupil dilates when an individual is exposed to something that she likes . For instance , the pupils of women and infants ( but not men ) spontaneously dilate when they see babies .
The right kidney dilates paragraph on ponding , the ureter .