In this central banks were aided by increasingly sophisticated markets which , by diffusing risk , had apparently made the financial system more resilient .
The theory behind " catch-up " growth is simply that poor countries whose technological level is far from the global technological frontier can achieve substantial convergence with rich-country income levels by copying and diffusing imported technology .
And the model is hard to unwind . Doing so would entail diffusing rather than concentrating wealth and political power , which is something that today 's elites , the chief beneficiaries of the asia model , are loath to accept .
For decades , however , neuroscientists have assumed that this fluid simply carries soluble waste by slowly diffusing through tissues , then shipping its cargo out of the nervous system and eventually into the body 's bloodstream .
It said broadcasting such images , an act illegal in france since 2000 , would be punished by a fine and called for " the greatest restraint in diffusing images of people under criminal investigation " .