
deviating 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The act deviating from a vertical position .
- 从垂直的位置偏离的动作。
- Deviating widely from an intended course .
- 极大的偏离预期的目标。
- The path follows the river closely , occasionally deviating round a clump of trees .
- 小径紧紧靠着河流,偶尔为了绕过一丛树木而偏离一些。
- To glory in serving the people , but to feel shame at deviating from the people .
- 以服务人民为荣、以背离人民为耻。
- The value core of the honor versus dishonor view of socialism -- priding of serving the people and shaming of deviating from the people .
- 社会主义荣辱观的价值核心以服务人民为荣,以背离人民为耻。
- World-wide , the share of saving and investment in income is remarkably stable , rarely deviating by more than a percentage point from a norm of about 23 % .
- 全球范围内,储蓄和投资占收入的比重都非常稳定,平均值约为23%,上下偏离度很少超过一个百分点。
- The confucian monotheism , deviating from the neo-confucian tradition on some fundamental points of cosmology and values , constituted a new trend of thought together with the western theological philosophy introduced by missionaries .
- 儒家一神论在宇宙观及价值观的根本点上背离了新儒家道统,它与传教士输入的西方神哲学体系共同构成了一个新的思想统绪。
- Why are you deviating from the standard new york menu ?
- 你们为什么要改变原本极具纽约特色的菜单?
- Deviating only slightly or within acceptable limits from a standard .
- 精确的与标准只是略有偏差或在允许的范围之内的。
- Academic periodicals deviating from the norm and its institutional reason .
- 学术期刊的失范及其体制性原因浅议。