
v.偏离,越轨( deviate的第三人称单数 )
deviates 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- At the same time , it explains why some information commodity price deviates from its value seriously in theory .
- 同时,从理论上解释了部分信息商品价格严重背离其价值的原因。
- Excessive gap in income distribution not only deviates from social fairness and justice , but also directly infringes the vital interests of the people .
- 摘要收入分配过大不仅背离了社会公平和正义,而且直接侵害了人民群众的切身利益。
- So it is schopenhauer 's philosophy that deviates from the traditional philosophy and becomes the beginning of modern philosophy .
- 因此,叔本华哲学是西方哲学背离传统、向现代的开端。
- A tragedy of life has already been brewed under the luminous surface once the track of pursuit deviates from the original intention .
- 追求奋斗的轨迹,一旦偏离了初衷,那么看似春风得意的背后,就已经酝酿着人生的悲剧结局了。
- At present , because the price of agricultural irrigation water deviates from its value greatly , it leads to that agricultural irrigation water is utilized low-efficiently and wasted seriously .
- 目前由于农业用水价格严重背离价值,导致农业用水的利用效率低下、浪费严重。
- Asset price bubble is economic phenomenon that the price deviates its basic value drastically in the credit economic environment .
- 资产价格泡沫是指现代信用经济情况下,资产的市场价格脱离其基础价值而急剧上涨的一种经济现象。
- Electrons , negatively-charged particles which orbit the nuclei , deviates from absolute roundness by less than less than 0.000000000000000000000000001cm .
- 带负电荷的微粒子电子,在绕核运行中,相对于一个纯粹的球形而言,其轨道偏离度远远小于0.000000000000000000000000001cm。
- It 's three naked deviates on my mountain .
- 我的山上有三个光着身子的变态。
- Selection date deviates & days from date of issue .
- 选择的日期距发行日差了。
- He and others opened the way to regard gay people as human beings , not as deviates or sinners .
- 他和其他人开始将同性恋者当作为正常人来看待而不是边缘人或罪人。