

v.将…驱逐出境( deport的现在分词 );举止

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Better , probably , to plug away at integration and enforcing existing immigration controls : keith vaz , a labour mp , says he has " hundreds " of british indian constituents tricked into sham marriages , unable to interest officials in deporting ex-spouses .
And a poll taken by the public religion research institute in 2010 showed thatnearly half of all white evangelicals favour deporting illegal immigrants .
How can president obama continue to portray himself as the champion of immigration reform to latino voters , while at the same time deporting more people than any other president in united states history ?
At the same time , it maintains a strict visa policy for lower-paid labourers , limiting work permits to one or two years and deporting women who become pregnant .
No french leader from de gaulle to mitterrand acknowledged the state 's part in deporting jews to nazi death camps .
France is to begin deporting roma ( gypsies ) as part of a crackdown on illegal camps in the country .
He brought the areas still nominally under assyrian vassalage firmly under subjection , deporting populations in the north to far-off places .
Lamar smith , the republican who would probably become chairman of the house judiciary committee , is more focused on deporting illegal immigrants and strengthening the border .
He considers deporting them to the east or even shipping them to madagascar .
Opponents argued that pakistan does not comply with relevant human rights standards and has not signed the geneva convention on refugees , which prevents governments from deporting people at risk of torture .